Paizo Review, Abandoned

Hey readers, just an update on the new Paizo RPG review. It’s not happening anymore.

This name has been attached to some pretty peachy games in the past, but I just can’t get into this one. It’s just too inscrutable. Paizo’s introduction to the new rules gets completely off topic and doesn’t bother explaining the basic rules governing play. It’s like they’re just playing a game of their own and ignoring the video manual.

Like, it’s great that you’re enjoying the thing and the whole “your digital character interprets your thoughts according to their stats” bit is neat, but how about some teaching? How do you sync your neural aug with the game (I paid good money for this thing)? How did you build your Jill character? Why? Do whatever skills you’re using in the service role have some kind of function in combat? I have no idea how this fits together into a fun tabletop experience, and I’m done trying to find out.

By the way, building a great big neat setting and never leaving a stupid bar is a pretty lame way to play, guys.