Eye on the Family Review: TieTuesday playing VA-11 HALL-A

This game and this videographer are encouraging moral turpitude. If the basic premise of having interactions in a dingy tavern weren’t enough, it outright suggests that the player imbibe alcohol along with it from the very start. And our host approves.

As you can imagine, what follows is a stream of iniquity. The host allows the software to express its lack of respectability with commentary when it’s worthwhile or conveys his reactions and thoughts, giving a quality impression of both. It’s just a shame they’re complicit in the depravity and… I shudder to say it… in cahoots with “anime”. I need not say more!

I would not recommend either the computer game or the entertainment channel for families. Adults should proceed only so that they know what they’re protecting their children from.

Honestly, a game about bartending. What kind of schlock will they think of next?